I'm having trouble logging in. LevelSurveys doesn't recognize my password.
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Can I change my password?
Yes. You can change your password on the account overview page, https://www.levelsurveys.com/overview.asp.
Will LevelSurvey pay me?
Absolutely! As soon as you collect the number of points indicated in your account, you’ll be able to redeem them via a gift card or another method. LevelSurveys provides its members plenty of opportunities to earn. Except for the special high ...
I want to confirm my registration
To confirm your registration or levelsurveys account simply click the confirmation link found in an email that you received from Levelsurveys.com
Will I have to provide my credit card information?
Participation in surveys on Levelsurveys.com is completely free. We never ask you to enter your credit card information anywhere on Levelsurveys.com. However, some offers that are displayed as incentivised may require a purchase. Although we ...
How do streaks work?
Users' streak weeks start on the day of the week they join LevelSurveys. For example, if they join on a Monday, their streak weeks will always end Sunday nights. Therefore, their streaks will reset in the mornings of the day that follows the end of ...